State Registration System

Efficiently manage the entire registration process.


For many years, EQube's State Registration System has helped thousands register for the states they choose to conduct business in.

EQube has streamlined the registration process for individuals with an efficient and cost-effective system that automates the entire registration process incorporating numerous business & state rules, a customizable hierarchical workflow process, and support of various configurations such as exemption types, and fees schedules.

Key Features

  • Continuously track and monitor the registration process

  • Integration with numerous systems including RegEd, Vertafore, FINRA, Beta, etc.

  • Reconciliation of registration details between FINRA and the firm's systems

  • Updates to FINRA with new registrations

  • Support of Individual and State level exemptions

  • Commission-based fee schedules

  • Ability to track employee renewal status

  • Various reports such as summary reports, which can be based on branches/locations/exemption details, etc.

    And much more.

Contact us.

DbCom - EQube
Financial Technologies | Regulatory Compliance
2 Research Way
Princeton, NJ 08540

By phone: (609) 651-8222 select option 3 
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