Gifts & Gratuities

Ensure gift activity follows regulatory and firm requirements.

EQube Gifts and Gratuities

Gift Supervision & Oversight.

The Gifts & Gratuities module provides a platform for firms to manage, maintain records and supervise gift-giving and receiving.

EQube's dynamic forms capabilities address any governing regulatory body (i.e., FINRA, IIROC, OSC, ESMA, APRA, etc.) gift regulatory rules and firm-wide supervisory procedures. 


  • Ability to enter gift details such as the value of the gift, the reason for the gift, relation to the recipient, etc.

  • Captures information pertaining to the gift giver and recipient such as state of residence, affiliations, etc.

  • Ability to control dollar amount thresholds as to when to receive violation notifications

  • Detailed audit trails

  • Exception processing & report review

  • Supervisory documentation

    And much more.

Contact Us

DbCom - EQube
Financial Technologies | Regulatory Compliance
2 Research Way
Princeton, NJ 08540

By phone: (609) 651-8222 select option 3 
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