Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) Life Cycle Viewer
Simplify CAT file reviews
Easily research rejections
Be prepared to respond to regulator inquiries
Introducing CAIS portal
Are you finding CAT reviews challenging?
Reading and searching through a CAT file is not an easy task for anyone and with this new and more detailed report, the challenges only increase. With EQube, we’ve simplified CAT reviews and have provided a user-friendly and highly efficient interface. EQube has an integrated, robust CAT viewing tool that assists compliance and operations with managing the entire lifecycle of an order.
The EQube CAT Viewer allows firms to complete thorough and comprehensive reviews of all order flows by utilizing relevant data and dynamic dashboards to assist in painting a complete picture by providing:
Daily CAT Review Tool - transforms hard to read CAT format reports into an easier readable format.
CAT monitoring & feedback monitoring
A research tool that aids in responding to rejections
A reporting tool that assists in responding to regulatory inquiries
Contact Us
DbCom - EQube
Financial Technologies | Regulatory Compliance
2 Research Way
Princeton, NJ 08540
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